Tuesday, March 22, 2016


You know something we have that we seem to take for granted? The privacy of our own thoughts. The very fact that only you, the real you --your spirit--has absolute access to what goes on in your mind.

Even God himself has to search to find out. Ancient text says, "The spirit of man is the lamp of the Lord, searching all his innermost parts."
I mean, think about it. If we all heard or envisioned each other's thoughts or imaginations, it'd be...what's the word? Chaotic.
Yeah, that'll do. Lol.

For example, I'm constantly torn between a desire to follow my instincts to be a raging monster of a person (Yes...really.), and a desire to be good, pure, joyful, articulate, loving.
But you see, I've discovered two things.
First, my mind is like a container (say, a jug) that is rooted to a spot. I can't bend it over to pour out what's already in, but I can keep pouring in what I want, such that, by sheer volume, the desired occupant holds sway and it more prominent.
That's why I can't presume upon life. If I want to DO more, I have to BE more. And I know I can only act out what I have on the inside. Get the logic?
That's why good books are important.

Also, I think by consistent usage, some parts of our mind, just like muscles, keep getting stronger and more developed, and before we know it, the clay of our person is molded and rigidly formed.
And the sad part is that we could be unwittingly enforcing our worst, most negative traits into the forefront of our character, and sooner than later, we -and the people around us- start to wonder whether we've always been like that --hot tempered, disrespectful, prone to lies, deceptive, malicious, or even downright stupid-- or if we've been living a lie.
I think it's a thing of repetition.
And you know what they say about practice.

Well, I've always thought it'd be fun to have the power to look into people's heads and turn over the rocks of their mind, see the hidden grimy things that we often assume away. Or, on the other hand, see that subtle, innocent beauty that surely exists in the mind of a person that might otherwise be a relational terrorist (put simply, an asshole).
But then, I wouldn't want just anybody all up in my head though.
So let's all just mind our business, shall we? Lol.